Delete myself from Facebook, tired of memes and noise
Delete myself from Reddit, it never brought me joys
Delete myself from Twitter, it's just a silly toy
Delete myself from email, tired of all those ploys
Throw away the chaff, harvest all the wheat
Throw away the noise, hear my soul's true beat
Clear out all the junk cluttering up my mind
Find myself when all else is left behind
Delete myself from work, that's no place for me
Delete myself from family, cut off that whole tree
Delete myself from friends who never knew me
Delete myself from hobbies, they won't set me free
Trim away the fat, savor all the meat
Cut away the noise, hear my heart's true beat
Clear out all the fog cluttering up my view
Find my truth when all that's false is through
Delete myself from gossip, and from memory
Delete all my hopes, delete all my dreams
Delete me from the future, and from history
Delete myself from you, delete myself from me