Ngibunjiwe ngaphefumlelwa
NguJehova uqobo lwakhe
Wangenza umfanekiso wakhe
Impela makabongwe
I am (Fearfully)
And (And wonderfully made)
(For the glory of the Lord)
Yes I am (Fearfully)
Fearfully (And wonderfully made)
For the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
Because we are the masterpiece (A masterpiece)
I am (A masterpiece)
For the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
Yes I a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
I am a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
Glory, for the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
UThix'undazile ndingekabunjwa
Esizalweni sikaMama
Because I am masterpiece for the glory
For the glory of the Lord
Akusilo iphutha okwenzeka kuwe
Ingaba nje icebo likaThixo
Noma kunjalo ixabiso liphakeme
I am (Fearfully)
I am (And wonderfully made)
For the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
Yes you are (Fearfully)
And you are (And wonderfully made)
For the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
Because you are (A masterpiece)
You are a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
Kuphelelisiwe ngawe (For the glory of the Lord)
I am a masterpiece (Masterpiece)
I am a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
For the glory, hallelujah (For the glory of the Lord)
You are fearfully made (Fearfully)
Fearfully made (And wonderfully made)
For the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
Yes you are (Fearfully)
And (And wonderfully made)
And wonderfully, for the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
I am a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
I am a masterpiece (A masterpiece)
Made for, for the glory (For the glory of the Lord)
UThix'uyazukiseka ngami (Masterpiece)
The masterpiece (A masterpiece)
Thix'unecebo ngawe (For the glory of the Lord)
Fearfully (Fearfully)
Wonderfully (And wonderfully made)
(For the glory of the Lord)