Take every second, turn it to a minute, it soon becomes an hour, watch how time just fly's fly's
Take every season, give them all a reason, fill each one with meaning, that's how years
Go by (bye)
So take a second to feel what it feels like, when you open up your mind to finally feel
And take a moment wait think about the day, you need to meditate, and take off your
And yes, it's hard to see true reality, when everybody's free, there are no disguises
So take a second to feel what it feels like, mmm mm mm mm when you open up your mind to finally feel some
You need to hold on closely, before you're gone like most things
You need to hold the daylight, before the night grabs too tight
So take a second to feel what it feels like, mmm mm mm mm when you open up your mind to finally feel some
You need to hold on closely, before you're gone like most things
You need to hold on to the daylight, cause soon enough it'll be night
My life's a little messy, but I love the way I smell
I do it every day, cause that's how I keep a smile
And wow, wow, wow, wow, how, how can you see when your eyes are on the ground
Pick your shoes up, rinse and repeat
Now you're in the clouds, oh look at me