I tell the truth even when I'm not being honest
You can't judge me for telling what's real
What would you accomplish
I may be wrong
But I may be right to
If I never recorded our conversation but I told you don't worry about your best friend
Especially since she was in the car too
Lips aren't just for talking
Or telling the truth
To be completely honest
I don't even believe in myself why would I want you to believe in me too
Yeah I slept with her
The same day I said you were beautiful
I didn't lie to you
Your best friend was beautiful too
Probably even prettier than you
But it's your own problem trying to discover something wasn't right
If I wanted you to explore so much
I'd be dating Christopher Columbus' wife
Let's be honest you were wrong too
In my head I recorded the things that you wouldn't do
But your best friend would do
In the same car that I called you beautiful