Give you one last farewell kiss
Before I have to kill you now
You want to leave forever
There will be no reunion
Have you once again put on your ball gown
Your hair - well groomed
The silver necklace around the neck
Like on a last courtship display
Your eyes sad-beautiful
Your lips soft-red soft-quiet supplication
You draw me close to you
You take my hand
You lead me almost floating
In your chapel to die
Chrysanthemum covered
A carafe houses the drink
The poison dipped in champagne
You lie down on your bedchamber
Longing for the dark after
I'll trickle you in the afterlife juice
Your breath stops being here
Your heartbeat's gonna stop
Before your soul blows away
You give me one last farewell kiss
Don't suffer, my love, I'm well.
Don't lament, my love, I'm liberated.
Live on for you and for me
In deep gratitude
Your Elain