Samuel Wellings, known professionally as Kim Dracula, is an Australian alternative/indie music artist from Hobart, Tasmania whose songs have achieved popularity on TikTok.
They are known both for original work and for metal covers of songs not typically associated with the genre. They became popular on YouTube for their authorial song "Make Me Famous" from their album A Gradual Decline In Morale. Dracula was previously the vocalist of Australian heavy metal band Jesterpose, which formed in 2017 and released the EP COVID-19 in 2020.
Birth Name: UnSamuel Wellings Name Origin:
Kim Dracula's name is a reference to the Deftones song of the same name, from their album Saturday Night Wrist. Born: November 23, 1997 (age 27) Genre(s):
Alternative/Indie Instrument(s):
Vocals Associated Acts:
Deftones Quotes: