Skip the remote location of home
A healthier dose of drinks I suppose
Is what everyone needs tonight
It's what everyone needs tonight
If a party gets thrown for reasons we know
The days at work, and nights at home
Then, why not tonight
At least come for a while
A bottle of wine
There's nothing worse than Saturdays alone
Saturdays alone
On top of having Fridays at home
On top of having Fridays at home
Your whole weekend alone
Why not tonight
At least come for a while
A bottle of wine
There's nothing worse than Saturdays alone
Saturdays alone
On top of having Fridays at home
On top of having Fridays at home
Come back to life
Give us a sign
When was it her heart stopped working tonight
Now's not the time to argue
Who was the one giving out the lines
Saturday night, everything fine
Until this problem did arrive
What's there to do
Where's there to go
What will we say when the cops arrive
Cause we'll need an answer
Think of an answer
It was hard to see this young girl die
But not enough to bring a change in lifestyle
Terrible to see a good friend die
But not enough to bring a change in lifestyle
Come back to life
Save us the time
From having to calculate this lie
To ourselves, for our sake
I wish she would just open her eyes
Saturday night, nothing's gone right
I'd say it is time to decide
What's there to do
Clear out the house
What will we say when her parents arrive
Cause we'll need an answer
Think of an answer
It was hard to see this young girl die
But not enough to bring a change in lifestyle
Terrible to see a good friend die
But not enough to bring a change in lifestyle
Not enough to change