A cold blooded Killer
To pillage and plunder
To ground all anger
To move forward we weaken
It seems sincere
To battle the beast
Who hates us all
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
The morning approaches
Your self projection
On the brink of death
His human form
Exile formation
There is no bias
Patient for victims
He hates us all
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the
Your self projection
A cold blooded killer
His human form
There is no bias
To move forward we weaken
He hates us all
He hates us all
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
To pillage and plunder
The morning approaches
Ground for evil
What seems sincere
Exile creation
Only knows one thing
To hate us all
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the
Destroyed by the sun