(Male voice) "Hello?"
(Leli) "Hello"
ለምንድነው ስልክ የማታነሽው በሰላም ነው?
(Male voice) "Why weren't you picking up your phone? Is everything okay?"
ስላልተመቸኝ ነው። ግን ተገናኝተን ማውራት ይኖርብናል።
(Leli) "It's because I couldn't talk at the moment, but we have to meet up and talk in person"
የተውኩት የገደልኩት
I was over it, it was dismissed
የጣልኩት የጨረስኩት
I had thrown it away, I was done with it
ምን ህይወት ዘራበት በድንገት?
What suddenly brought life back to it?
የሞተ ያበቃ
It was dead already
መዝገቡም የተዘጋ
The case was closed
በምን ተነሳ?
What opened it back?
ግልፁን ልንገርህ
Let me tell you the truth
ግራ ከገባህ
If you are confused
ነገሩ ምን መሰለህ
This is what it is
ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu)
The situation, the situation, the situation
ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu)
The situation, the situation, the situation
ላይ ላዩ የሚያምር
It's superficially beautiful
ውስጥ ውስጡ የሚያስነውር
Deep inside it's belittling
ፍሬ ቢስ ገድጋዳ ነው ፍቅራችን
Our love, it is fruitless and is of weak foundation
እንደ ሀምሌ ፀሀይ ባለበት ማይረጋ
And just like July's sun it never rises for long
ታይቶ የሚጠፋ
It vanishes after a while
እራሴን መደለል
Deceiving myself
ሽንገላ ይቅርብኝ
I'm done with the flattery
በል ልቤ ከሀሳቤ ታረቅልኝ
My heart better align with my mind
ከጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu)
With the situation, the situation, the situation
ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu), ጉዳዩ (Gudayu)
The situation, the situation, the situation