Money, money, money|Ain't money funny|What we do for money in the land of milk and honey|Money, money, money|Ain't money funny|The right amount of money makes people funny||You sat there on the jury for over a year|She was plain but she was focused|As she tried to be clear|No one ever gave Jane a second look|Now she's in the center of a playboy book||Money, money, money (she's got money)|Ain't money funny (got some money)|What we do for money in the land of milk and honey|Money, money, money|Ain't money funny (she got lots of money)|The right amount of money makes people funny||We knew someone, we knew someone|We knew him very well|And every word revealed to him, he swore he'd never tell|Then along came along a giant |With a check book full of gold|Just like that a bulk of(?) people have secrets that were told||Money, money, money (money, money)|Ain't money funny (lots of money)|What we do for money in the land of milk and honey|Money, money, money (I need money)|Ain't money funny (lots of money)|The right amount of money makes people funny||Have you ever asked what you would do |For a moment of fame|How far would you go to be the hero of the game|How high is the price to buy you, body and soul|To turn on the best of mens(?) no matter what the toll||Money, money, money|Ain't money funny|What we do for money in the land of milk and honey|Money, money, money (it makes us mad the world go 'round)|Ain't money funny (gotta have lots of money, and spend it on you)|The right amount of money makes people funny||Money, money, money (money, money)|Ain't money funny (I need the money, yeah)|What we do for money in the land of milk and honey|Money, money, money (money, money)|Ain't money funny (we all want the money, yeah)|The right amount of money makes people funny