Wake up late. miss breakfast again.
barely make it to the bus stop on time.
almost get run over by the frikin' bus.
i yell,"you idiot! what are you, blind?!
Don't matter though. soon i'm at school.
slip on the sidewalk on the way in.
finally make it to my locker.
then hear,"wheres your id kid?!"
Hey mom and dad...
can i be a middle school drop-out?
cause i hate school!
it's really tough when you're not smart or cool.
oh what i would give, not to live,
by westside hell.
gym class brings b.o. and mortification.
good thing i catch a nap in reading class.
bout' ready to tell my algebra teacher,
to take his stupid text book and shove it up his a**.
Day is almost over, thank god. thank god.
now i get to bring home all this homework.
but the school day just isn't complete,
till' i'm called a b**** by atleast one jerk.
Hey mom and dad.....
please let me be a middle school drop-out.
cause i hate school!
it's so awful to sit in history and drool.
oh what i would do, not to have to,
go to westside hell.
God i hate school.......