What I say, what I do
Sometimes the two, don't coincide
Who I be, what I Am, Sometimes the Am
It wins the match
Yo yo yo, But I'm running, running my life
And my life ain't running me
Thoughts in your head, ain't always the truth
They're just the juice that's inside you
I know this ain't, no pop album
But I hope you'll dig it and shower me with love
I ain't no rock star, I ain't no singer
I'm just a bro playing my guitar
Make sure you warm up, your car's engine
Before you go racing through your day
Touch of the sunshine, bite of the cold air
It's like the candy that's bitter sweet
Oh yea! What you doing today?
It's Healdsberg County and I'm on my way
And I'm so tired of striving
Like I've gone nowhere just driving