Killed himself or did he drown?
Does no one want him found?
No family asking round?
To face it so confounds
How youth makes loss profound
A body floats up to the shore
A frozen face I've seen before
The vision chills the core
Fair Detective they call me
A feckless clown out of his league
At least to me it seems
No ID yet and no reports
Of missing teens in these parts
Man asks and G-d retorts
Killed himself or did he drown?
No drugs in him were found
Did no one see him round?
To face it so confounds
How youth makes loss profound
A second body the next day
Same spot in the same way
Hell can't be wished away
Light-brown hair and gentle face
A teenage life laid waste
Hell is a cold case
Distraught folks soon come by
Our daughters gone they cry
The bodies identified
Killed themselves or did they drown?
Her parents they did frown
Thought a break up sound
Thought she would come round
How youth makes loss profound
Fair Detective Fair Detective!
We did our best to protect them
Fair Detective Fair Detective!
We gave them all but some perspective
Killed themselves or did they drown?
It hardly matters now
A closed case anyhow
G-d loses this round
How youth makes loss profound
God lost me this round
How youth makes loss profound