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NOFX - Punk in Drublic Album Lyrics

NOFX - Punk in Drublic Lyrics


Possessions never meant anything to me
I'm not crazy
Well that's not true, I've got a bed, and a guitar
And a dog named Bob who pisses on my floor
That's right, I've got a floor
So what, so what, so what?
I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
Where everything important to me
Just seems to fall right down my leg
And on to the floor
My closest friend linoleum
Supports my head, gives me something to believe
That's me on the beachside combing the sand
Metal meter in my hand
Sporting a pocket full of change
That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
That's me on the back of the bus
That's me in the cell
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
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Leave It Alone

Breathe ever so soft,
We wouldn't wanna break the eggs as we walk.
Never alone, cautious, afraid,
I hear the voice of reason on the P.A.

Leave it alone, follow the grain,
We couldn't stop the irresistible force.
Leave it the same, change with the leaves,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the old.
Leave it alone


Breathe, ever so slight,
We couldn't take away your God given right.
Leave it alone, heel and stay,
Roll over and shake and beg for the bone.
Leave it alone

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Rationalize values it's so easy to succeed
Keeping your eyes on the prize success, success
Camped outside Laissez Faire
People understand me there
Don't talk to me we'll get along just fine
Blowin' out your mores
Henry Ford tradition preys on
Idle minds left the emergency brake on too long
Underneath the city lies the ruins of mankind
The excavation was a financial success
With artifacts of gold
The arrowheads went straight to the Smithsonian
The rest was melted down and sold
Substantial gains
Minimal losses are tolerable
As long as the machine keeps running on
Functioning on Pheromones
Rational thought lost to instinctual
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

The Cause

It isn't for the money, no it isn't for the fun
It's a plan, a scam, a diagram
It's for the benefit of everyone
You gotta have a little respect
Subterranean ideals
Traditional neglect
Reflect on how you think it would make you feel

The cause
We're just doing it for the cause
No it isn't for the fortune, it isn't for the fame

It's a scheme, dream, a baterine
We want everyone to think the same
Because you know what you feel is right
And you feel what you can't ignore
And you try so hard to point the blame
Ashamed - what do we do this for?

The cause
We're just doing it for the cause
The cause
We're just doing it for the cause
The cause
We're just doing it for the cause
The cause
We're just doing it for the cause
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Dont Call Me White

Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white

The connotations wearing my nerves thin
Could it be semantics generating the mess we're in?
I understand that language breeds stereotype
But what's the explanation for the malice, for the spite?

Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white

I wasn't brought here, I was born
Circumsized, categorized, allegiance sworn,
Does this mean I have to take such shit
For being fairskinned? No!
I ain't a part of no conspiracy,
I'm just you're average Joe.

Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white

Represents everything I hate,
The soap shoved in your mouth to cleanse the mind
The vast majority of sheep
A buttoned collar, starched and bleached
Constricting veins, the blood flow to the brain slows
They're so f*ckin' ordinary white

Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white

We're better off this way
Say what you're gonna say
So go ahead and label me
An asshole cause I can
Accept responsibility, for what I've done
But not for who I am

Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white
Don't call me white, Don't call me white
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My Heart Is Yearning

For you my heart was yearning
And how I loved you so
It's cause of you
My dick is burning
It's dripping on my tongue
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Perfect Government

Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the f*ck are you, anyway?
Who the f*ck are they?
Who the f*ck am I to say?
What the f*ck is really going on?

How did the cat get so fat?
Why does the family die?
Do you care why?

Cause there hasn't been a sign
Of anything gettin' better in the ghetto
People's fed up
Getting fed up

You point your f*ckin' finger
You racist, you bigot
But that's not the problem
Now is it?

It's all about the money
Political power is taken
Protecting the rich, denying the poor
Yeah, they love to watch the world from the White House
And I wonder...

How can they sleep at night?
How can they sleep at night?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?
How did the cat get so fat?
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The Brews

Friday night we'll be drinking Manishevitz
Going out to terrorize Goyem
Stomping shagitz, screwing shicksas
As long as we're home by Saturday morning

Cause hey, we're the Brews
Sporting anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the boys
Orthodox, hesidic, O.G. Ois

Orthopedic, Dr. Martins good for
Waffle making, kicking through the shin
Reputation, gained through intimidation
Pacifism no longer tradition

Cause hey we're the Brews
Sporting anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the Brews
The fairfax ghetto boys skinhead Hebrews

We got the might, psycho mashuganas
We can't lose a fight, as we are the chosen ones
Chutspah driven, we battle then we feast
We celebrate, we'll separate our milkplates from our meat

We're the Brews
Sporting anti-swastika tattoos
Oi Oi we're the boys
Orthodox, hesidic, O.G. Ois

[This is what some of the Jewish terms mean:]
[Manashevitz = Cheap wine Jews stereotypically drink; Goyem = Non-Jewish people; Shagitz = Preppies; Mashuganas = Yiddish for "Crazy"; Chutspah = Untranslatable Yiddish term meaning a cross between balls and rudeness; "Sporting anti-swastika tattoos" - It's against the Jewish law to get a tattoo; "As long as we're home by Saturday morning" - Jews gotta be home in time for Synagogue; Fairfax = A part of LA where the Orthodox Jews live; "Dai Dayenu" = Part of Jewish Hymn; Shicksa = Yiddish word for referring to a non-Jewish female;]
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

The Quass

The quass...
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Dying Degree

Dresser drawers are filled with pocket change
Coupons cut, cigarettes smoked down to the butt,
Is this what dreams are made of!
Adding up subtracting down you find yourself sucking the rind
Dying degree, graying amie
Final payment made - had you forgot?
The rightful owner of one deluxe cemetary plot
Paisley satin lined how apprapoe
What a better way to go
Dying degree, graying amie
No more eating crumbs
When my pension finally comes
Your kids want eat mush anymore 'round me
Dying degree, graying amie
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My father used to say
You sleep with dogs the next day
You'll wake in the bed scratching
Those inevitable fleas
At ten years old
You listen to what you are told
But I never felt the itch
I never would
My mother had forbidden me
To waste away my life
I want you to have all the things I could never buy you
So don't stop what I'd begun
You're my one, my only son
Follow what I say not what I've done
Follow what I say not what I've done
Shower, scrub, and shave
Cleanly boys don't misbehave
Follow what I say not what I've done
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Lori Meyers

Lori Meyers used to live upstairs
Our parents had been friends for years
Almost every afternoon we'd play forbidden games
At nine years old there's no such thing (as shame)
It wasn't recognition of her face, what brought me back was a familiar mark
As it flashed across the screen
I bought some magazines, some video tape scenes
Incriminating acts, I felt that I could save her

"Who the hell are you to tell me how to live?
You think I sell my body; I merely sell my time.
I ain't no Cinderella, I ain't waiting for no prince,
To save me in fact until just now I was doing just fine.
And on and on.."

"I know what degradation feels like
I felt it on the floor at the factory
Where I worked long before, I took control now I answer to me
The 50K I make this year will go anywhere I please
Where's the problem?"
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Jeff Wears Birkenstocks

Don't wanna chill, don't wanna sit
Don't wanna hear no hippy shit
Don't tell me I've closed my mind
Don't wanna groove, don't wanna dig
Don't wanna spend the day naked
Don't like my music country fried

He's got a tye dyed Rancid shirt
He wears his birkenstocks to work
Is he a jerk? No! Just confused
Jeff don't wear regular shoes

Fat Mike I gotta let you know
It's not the tunes, it's their live show
And all the people you get to meet
Plenty of good vibes and decent drugs
Stinky people give you hugs
Walk around in your bare feet

He's got a tye dyed Rancid shirt
He wears his birkenstocks to work
Is he a jerk? No! Just confused
Jeff don't wear regular shoes
Jeff don't wear regular shoes
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Punk Guy

Crazier than GG,
More PC than Ian.
Got colored teeth like Johnny,
Exudes a vicious disposition.
His hair sticks out like Colin's did, he jumps,
Similar to Springa, he points his middle finga.
Not just he singer in the band.
Voted biggest asshole, and role model of the year.
Got a face like Charles Bronson,
Straight outta Green Bay Wisconsin,
Not just a singer in the band.
He'll puke on you, he'll f*ck your mom,
He'll smoke while huffing gas.
He was the punkest mother f*cker I ever did see.
'Ah Hell he's even more punk than me.'
He should've been on the cover,
He should've been on the cover,
He should've been on the cover of Punk and Disorderly (Volume II)

[References In This Song]
[Crazier than GG: GG Allin was in the Jabbers, the Scumfucs, Antiseen and the Murder Junkies.]
[More PC than Ian: Ian MacKaye, lead singer of Minor Threat. Began the Straight edge movement]
[Got colored teeth like Johhny: Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols]
[Exudes a vicious disposition: Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols]
[His hair sticks out like Colin's did: Colin Jerwood, lead singer of Conflict, he had long liberty spikes]
[He jumps similar to Springa: Springa AKA David Spring, the lead singer from Society System Decontrol]
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Happy Guy

He's just a man getting through life the best he can
He's not a scientist, he programs a computer
Before that he sold cars to pay a student loan now he receives pity
From his family - his friends say how could he
Turn his back on reason worshiping
A God finding truth through fear and mind control
He's just a man trying to explain how
He found the word of God could make his life seem less insane
So he shares what he's read, what he understands, it makes
sense to him, it makes perfect sense,
He's never seen the world so clearly
Turned his back on free will - has he lost his mind?
He'd rather kneel down than take charge of his life
And he knows what people think, but it doesn't sway him
He can read the writings on the wall
'Cause he knows how people treat, how they treat each other
A sacrifice to benefit the all
Don't try to judge him, his theological ideas
His hopes may be false but his happiness is real
Don't try to judge him, he's just a man
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Reeko, try and understand, it really is that bad
It won't just go away, the party's over
It's past two o'clock, so it's about time
We stopped, 'cause I see the keg has been sucked dry
The cisco was emptied in to the aquarium
The fish all seem to float
The ex lax lines the dog bowl
The toilet's overflowed, we've had our fun so now there's nothing left to damage.
We got no place left to go
Mr. President, please understand, it really is that bad
It won't just go away, it's just beginning
The ballots have been cast, we make like seaward rats
Leave this sinking ship, leave and not look back
The things we never tried to disallow
Have come back to haunt us now
With apple pie and chevrolet
We've come to see the end, we've all made this bed
Now we got nowhere to lay, dies and gentlemen
Try and understand
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Scavenger Type

Gigin alone at the bottom of the hill
Our protagonist named Bill
Sets his sights on an anchor steam pint
All he needs is thirteen quarters
Congregated in his hat

A crow, a scavenger type
California redemption provides him with his rent
Room and board inside a fifth of comfort

As the wind penetrates his bones
His mind keeps focused
Tidal waves of sound catapulted
From his horn wail like lovers

The coins don't drop consistent as does the mercury
His meter slows realizing a zenith
He's reached perfection
No one did see him die
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Back to: NOFX

Punk in Drublic is the fifth studio album by the American punk rock band NOFX. It was released on July 19, 1994, through Epitaph Records. The title is a spoonerism of "Drunk in Public".

Punk in Drublic is NOFX's most successful album to date, peaking at number 12 on Billboard's Heatseekers chart. The album has received positive reviews and is now considered a classic punk album by fans and critics alike. Six years after its release, it became the band's only gold record for sales of over 500,000 copies in the United States. Worldwide, the record has sold over 1 million copies.
Performed By: NOFX
Genre(s): Skate punk, hardcore punk, melodic hardcore
Producer(s): Ryan Greene, Fat Mike
Length: 39:55
Released: July 19th, 1994
Year: 1994

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