On the brink of forgiveness, you know I'm walking on the edge.|I've tried my best to fix it, oh, baby.|can't you understand?|You got, you got to let me go, you always say I told you so.|You got, you got to let me go right now.|I'd run and hide.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone, drunk and stoned.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|It's getting hard tryna live this, always talking to myself.|All the talk is fiction, girl, I don't want nobody else.|You got, you got to let me go.|You always say I told you so.|You got, you got to let me go right now.|I'd run and hide.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone, drunk and stoned.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|I do no wrong and never restrict you.|You got it all, baby please, I really need you, Now or never, you're my everything.|Lemme be the one who's there to always hold you.|Unconditional love, I adore you.|You're my everythin'.|I'd run and hide.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone, drunk and stoned.|But every time I try to forget you, I end up alone.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|I end up alone, alone, drunk and stoned.|