Didn't dissed her it came out as a whisper
You misheard listener mistook me for sinister
The arsonist persists to try blast us to bits
Marking differences quick
With quips out a phekhu kid's lips
Your party hard jig
Let the jugs lip drip
The more accessible
Lil milk from the nip
Nothing solved
Just partially squished
Grubby goals
And shit
Hardly commit
Shame is what drives me
If I had fame
It'd remind to get back to hiding
One thing I find not comforting
Pop stars who tend to air hump when they sing
To all my underlings stuck between
Everyone's thundering plundering
When you're not seen
Make screams a routine
Then right back to
Clumsily cuddling
Clinging to each others
Numb mumbling
I have fun tied to a Boeing wing
When the dumb pilots are busy motor boating