A comet streaked across the sky while I was sleeping|Broke into a million pieces in the night|Missed us by so little; passed us by so close|It was right there, and we didn't even know||Doesn't God look out for children and for fools who can blindly stumble right into the truth?|'Til all the pieces fit into a grand design|A brilliant accident we had it coming all this time||Oh, seek and you shall find it ' that is what they say|Just give it time and don't get lost along the way|Well, I've been a long time waiting out here beneath the sky|As if love could find me like that comet in the night||Does a heart falling in the forest make a sound other than the pounding axe that brings it down?|Or is it up to me to tell the forest from the trees?|And does it matter if there's no one else around?||Seek and you shall find it ' that is what they say|Just give it time and don't get in your own way|Well, I've been a long time waiting out here beneath the sky|As if love could find me like that comet in the night||I gaze up at the stars and wonder|I could see the lights are on|Is anybody home?