Grownups look so smart
Grownups look so big
I want to be as great as them
Grow grow
How can I become as big as them
Maybe on my tippytoes
Grownups look so smart
Grownups look so tall
I want to be as great as them
Grow grow
How can I become as tall as them
Maybe on an airplane
Youll be grownup soon enough
Dont grow up so fast
Just enjoy being loved
Sing with me
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Youll forever be our child
I love you
We love you just the way you are now
Youll forever be our child
Ill be grownup soon enough
I wont grow up so fast
Ill just enjoy being loved
Sing with me
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Ill forever be your child
I love you
You love me just the way I am now
Ill forever be your child
I love being a kid
I love being a kid