Oh it's cold.|I don't decide you, there's no way out now.|We're here and we're not certain how.||But don't you feel the bass back in your throat?|If you listen to the way, there's just no stone[?]||If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|'Cause you got nothing to say, and this place reeks of no fun.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.||Home.||She's on fire.|As I hang back loose with the liars.|They're like dogs,|Panting and dragging their tongues.|That isn't the way, way that I roll.|I'm so tired of this place (what we gone go[?])||If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|'Cause you got nothing to say, and this place reeks of no fun.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.||Home. Home. Home. Home. Home.||If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.|'Cause you got nothing to say, this is lame, this is no fun.|If you don't think we should stay, lets just leave, lets just go home.|If you don't think we should stay, we should go home.||Home.|