You went to town on the one way train that you wanted|You got a job just to get some gain and you bought in|Oh I wish I would have known you then|I never would have called you friend|I should have known that a|I should have known you were phoney||I know you don't remember when|When everything you found was made of gold|And how we soon forget|None of this was ever set in stone|Those days are dead|And they will never come around no more|No more no more||You wait around just to see if the tables are turning|But from the ground we can see your buildings are burning|Now you don't know what lay ahead|Oh isn't this the day you dread|Cause now we know that a|And now we know you're a phoney||I know you don't remember when|When everything you found was made of gold|And how we soon forget|None of this was ever set in stone|Those days are dead|And they will never come around no more|No more no more||I know you don't remember when|When everything you found was made of gold|And how we soon forget|None of this was set in stone|Back in those days are dead|And they will never come around no more||No more no more|No more no more|No more no more|