Red One (alternatively titled Christmas Avengers) is a 2024 American Christmas film directed by Jake Kasdan and written by Chris Morgan, from an original story by Hiram Garcia. It stars Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, Lucy Liu, J. K. Simmons, Kiernan Shipka, Bonnie Hunt, Nick Kroll, Kristofer Hivju, and Wesley Kimmel. In the film, Callum Drift (Johnson), the head of North Pole security, teams up with the hacker Jack O'Malley (Evans) to locate a kidnapped Santa Claus (Simmons) on Christmas Eve.
Produced by Amazon MGM Studios, Seven Bucks Productions, Chris Morgan Productions, and The Detective Agency, Red One is seen as the first of a Christmas-themed action film franchise. Principal photography for the film began in October 2022 and concluded in February 2023, with filming locations including Atlanta.
Red One was first released theatrically by Warner Bros. Pictures internationally on November 6, 2024, and in the United States by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer on November 15. The film has grossed only $168 million worldwide on a budget of $200-$250 million.