We're getting drunk
You fall down the stairs
He rushes to help
I just sit there and stare
Lay next to me
Will ferrell on tv
I wanted to hold you
But I didn't think
You like me in the same way
But we talk in the same way we used to
Huddled up with my arm wrapped around you
But we're just friends
We're just friends
You saw me cry
By the fire that night
When I played that song
About still being in love
We text all night
Until I say goodbye
I don't go to sleep
I just sit there and cry
You don't love how you used to
When you move i'll still visit to see you
Your perfume is printed in my brain
What a shame
What a shame
We'll share a half
Of tonic and gin
You'll still influence
Every decision
I'll learn how to love
Be someone's better half
I always liked
How we sat there and laughed
And maybe in time
I'll get another chance
To show you my music
You'll teach me how to dance
To our favourite song
Back when we were in love
I'll always remember
I'll always remember
I'll always remember
I'll always remember
I'll always remember
I'll always remember