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Sigur Ros - Með suð Album Lyrics

Sigur Ros - Með suð Lyrics


Þú hatta fjúka lætur í loft
þú regnhlíf snú á hvolf allt of oft
ó nei, ekki

Þú þök að fjúka út á brot sjó
þú hári strjúka faldinum sló

Þú (Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala lalalala)
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í...
(Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala)

Þú augu fjúka í sand tárast
Þú tyggigúm í hendir hár fast

Þú (Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala lalalala)
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í hárinu - úú
Vindur í...
(Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala)


You hats make fly into the air
You turn umbrellas inside out too often
Oh no, don't

You roofs blow out into the stormy sea
You hair stroke and hem blowing
Prankster boy

You (Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala lalalala)
Wind in hair
Wind in hair
Wind in hair
Wind in
(Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala)

Your eyes blow sand, tears
You gum throw in hair stuck
Prankster boy

You (Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala lalalala)
Wind in hair
Wind in hair
Wind in hair
Wind in
(Lalalala lalalala... Lalalala)
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Inní mér syngur vitleysingur

Á silfur-á
Lýsir allan heiminn og augun blá
Skera stjörnuhiminn
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, nú rætist saga
Ó nei

Á stjörnuhraða
Inni í hjarta springur, flugvélarbrak
Oní jörðu syngur
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, lágfara dans
Allt gleymist í smásmá stund og rætist samt
Opna augun
Ó nei

Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Alltaf þið vaða, við hlaupum hraðar
Allt verður smærra
Ég öskra hærra
Er er við aða, í burtu fara

Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Góðan Daginn

Ég sendi sólina á þig
Síðla sumardags
Grær hitastig
og greikkar göngulag
Skín í andlitin hlý
Það er alvöru dag
Burt burt með þig ský

Já, burtu út á haf
Þar sem sjórinn flæðir
og salt ísinn bræðir

Við spilum endalaust
Burtu nú afklæðum
Sárin opin græðum

Við spilum endalaust
Sólin stígur á (?)
Kveikir á, sprengir ljósaperur
Leyndar sindrar (?)
???? baðar geislum hreinum

Ó, góðan daginn
Ég úr þér ríf ísjaka
og grýlukertin
og harðfenni
og hendi út á haf
Þar sem sjórinn flæðir
og salt ísinn bræðir

Við spilum endalaust
Sólin stígur á (?)
Kveikir á, sprengir ljósaperur
Leyndar sindrar (?)
???? baðar geislum hreinum

Sólin stígur á (?)
Kveikir á, sprengir ljósaperur
Leyndar sindrar (?)
???? baðar geislum hreinum
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Við Spilum Endalaust

Við spilum endalaust

Við keyrðum út um allt
Í gegnum sól og malarryk
Við sáum öll svo margt
Já, heimsins ból og svart malbik

Við spiluðum
Við spiluðum
Við spiluðum

Dagur síungur líður
Já, endalausir og birtan
Reykur í augum svíður
Já, rifjast upp og núna man

Við spiluðum
Við spiluðum
Við spilum út um allt

Við sáum öll svo margt
Mátum allt allt upp á nýtt
Dagur síungur líður
Já, rifjast upp og núna man

Við spiluðum
Við spiluðum
Við spilum út um allt

Við spilum endalaust
Við spilum endalaust saman
Við spilum út um allt saman
Við syngjum öll saman



Row Boat

You tried everything
Yes, a thousand times
Experienced enough
Been through enough
But you it was who let everything
Into my heart
And it was you who once again
Awoke my spirit

I parted, you parted

You stir up
In a blender
Everything in disarray
But it was you who was always
There for me
It was you who never judged
My true friend

I parted, you parted

You sail on rivers
With an old oar
Leaking badly
You swim to shore
Pushed the waves away
But to no avail
You float on the sea
Sleep on the surface
Light through the fog

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher


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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Með Suð í Eyrum

Með sviðin augnahár
Og suð í eyrunum
Og silfurlituð tár
Og sót í augunum

Rauðglóandi andlit og
Eldurinn lýsir á
Mér svíður í lófana
Nákvæmlega sama

Með blóðugum höndum
Við berjum öll saman
Við trommurnar lömdum
Skítug í framan

Rauðglóandi andlit og
Eldurinn lýsir á
Mér svíður í lófana
Nákvæmlega sama

Mér svíður í lófana
Legg mig í mosann og
Svefninn, hann svífur á
Augunum loka vil
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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

Ára Bátur

Þú reyndir allt
Já, þúsundfalt
Upplifðir nóg
Komin með nóg
En það varst þú sem allt
Lést í hjarta mér
Og það varst þú sem andann aftur
Kveiktir inní mér

Eg fór, þú fórst

Þú rótar í
I hrærivél
Allt úti um allt
En það varst þú sem alltaf varst
Til staðar fyrir mann
Það varst þú sem aldrei dæmdir
Sannur vinur manns

Eg fór, þú fórst

Þú siglir á fljótum
Yfir á gömlum ára
Sem skítlekur
Þú syndir að landi
Ýtir frá öldugangi
Ekkert vinnur á
Þú flýtur á sjónum
Sefur á yfirborði
Ljós í þokunni



You tried everything
Yes, a thousand times
Experienced enough
Been through enough
But you it was who let everything
Into my heart
And it was you who once again
Awoke my spirit

I parted, you parted

You stir up
In a blender
Everything in disarray
But it was you who was always
There for me
It was you who never judged
My true friend

I parted, you parted

You sail on rivers
With an old oar
Leaking badly
You swim to shore
Pushed the waves away
But to no avail
You float on the sea
Sleep on the surface
Light through the fog

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher


You tried everything
Yes, a thousand times
Experienced enough
Been through enough
But you it was who let everything
Into my heart
And it was you who once again
Awoke my spirit

I parted, you parted

You stir up
In a blender
Everything in disarray
But it was you who was always
There for me
It was you who never judged
My true friend

I parted, you parted

You sail on rivers
With an old oar
Leaking badly
You swim to shore
Pushed the waves away
But to no avail
You float on the sea
Sleep on the surface
Light through the fog

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher


Sjáum yfir rá
Sjóinn skerum frá
Við siglum mastri trú
Seglum þöndum
Við stýrum að í brú

Við siglum í land
Í stórgrýti og sand
Við vöðum í land
Já, anskotann

Feginn fann ég þar
Þökkum ákaflega
Í skjóli neyðarhúss
Og við sváfum
Stórviðri ofsaði út



We look over the rudder
Cut off the sea
We sail by the mast
Stretch the sails
We steer towards the bridge

We sail ashore
Up on the large rocks and the sand
We wade ashore
What a mess
F*ckin' yeah!

There I found myself
Endlessly thanking
Sheltered in a makeshift house
And we slept
As the storm died down

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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher


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Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher

All Alright

I want him to know
What I have done
I want him to know
It's bad

I want him to know
What I have done
I want him to know
Right now

Maybe it's time tomorrow
Or maybe today
It is not right
Now it's better
Now we'll know
Now he'll know
What I am telling

I'm sitting with you
Sitting in silence
Let's sing into the years, like one
Singing in tune, together
A psalm for no one
Let's sing in tune
But now it's home

You sing into the night now
Just sing on for me
You sing into the night

You stay to be alright
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Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Back to: Sigur Ros

Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (Icelandic: [mɛð ˈsʏːð i ˈeiːrʏm vɪð ˈspɪːlʏm ˈɛntaløyst], With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly) is the fifth full-length studio album by the Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Rós, released on 23 June 2008.

All the lyrics for the album were originally intended to be in English, but in the end the band decided that Icelandic felt more natural to them. Some lyrics were translated back into Icelandic, while some songs got completely new texts. It is the band's first album to feature a track sung in English ("All Alright"). The first track on the album, "Gobbledigook", premiered on Zane Lowe's BBC Radio 1 music show in the UK on 27 May 2008. "Festival" was premiered on Colin Murray's Radio 1 show on 3 June 2008. "Inní mér syngur vitleysingur" was used as the theme tune for Colin Murray's Gold Run, which aired on BBC Radio 5 Live during the run-up to the 2012 Summer Olympics. In December 2008, American webzine Somewhere Cold ranked Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust No. 3 on their 2008 Somewhere Cold Awards Hall of Fame.

In general, the music continues Sigur Rós' departure from their generally ethereal and minimalist music, being (as the title and cover suggest) more playful and fanciful than their early work, featuring more traditional guitar melodies, acoustic instrumentation, and folk-oriented compositions following in the vein of their later albums.

The album was available for pre-order from 3 June on the band's official media site, and on 5 June, the band performed "Gobbledigook", "Inní mér syngur vitleysingur", "Festival", "Fljótavík", "Við spilum endalaust" and "All Alright" live in Guadalajara, Mexico. On 8 June, the full album streamed early on the Sigur Rós dót widget. On 19 June, pre-ordered albums began arriving in the mail.

The album's cover features a photograph by Ryan McGinley, entitled "Highway". Originally the album artwork was going to be done by Olafur Eliasson; it would have been the first time the band had passed album artwork to an external artist. In the end they did not like the proposed design and created the cover art themselves using the photograph.

The song "All Alright" played a central role in Neil Jordan's 2009 film Ondine whilst "Festival" featured in the 2010 Danny Boyle film 127 Hours.
Genre(s): Post-rock, dream pop, indie rock, art rock, folk rock
Producer(s): Sigur Ros, Flood
Length: 55:36
Released: June 20th, 2008
Year: 2008

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