This time its
Hard to deny
Everything you did to me
The constant bruising and bleeding
You relentlessly
Put me through all this hate
Cnd then I sit and wait
For the weight of the burdens
You will create
But the weight sitting
On your shoulders
Sits like a ghost
You put your pain on others
Like the burdens you let engulf
I housed you
Cnd you slowly kill your host
Manifest to your hate
So you can feel whole
I tried to hide the lives you ruined
With your self-destructive guilt
You should just hide
Cnd bury your burdens
Now you passed on the poison
That became destructive ways
You swore to change
But you
Just couldn't break away
But it's no excuse
I watch our child grow violent
He mimics the only role he knows
The abusive parent
I pray our daughter doesn't mimic
Me and love abuse
Maybe it's my fault
For loving abuse
My downfall is
I'm always craving the bruise
Cshamed of the life I seem to crave
I distort my reality to say it ok
I tried to hide the lives you ruined
With your self-destructive guilt
You should just hide
Cnd bury your burdens
Now you passed on the poison
That became destructive ways
You swore to change
But you
Just couldn't break away
Do you feel proud
To see you only daughter love abuse?
Do you feel sick so see your only son grow up like you?