One by one they'd search their flocks for one that would suffice
The lamb must have no blemish to be the proper sacrifice
From the greatest to the least they would give it to the priest
To do it all again
Then one day John stood to say behold the Lamb of God
Which takes away the sin of the world where sinful man has trod
For the greatest to the least he was given to the priests
And died for all our sins
Adam's race came to an end sin had been condemned
Jesus took its strength and nailed it to his cross
There the enmity was slain sin and death no longer reign
And this lambs blood could now redeem the lost
The Fathers' will was done the grave he had overcome
The victory o'er evil had been won by one
Adam was the door through which sin entered the world
The grave was Satan's victory with his reign of death unfurled
Each one the ground receives the mournful heart it grieves
And lives to feel the pain
The last Adam bore our sins and on sin he closed the door
He died to put it all away so death would reign no more
The Lamb that was slain from the ground would rise again
As God's brand new man