Truly Alive
There's a world I must see
Horizons that I have not explored
Where kings are not all that they seem
And courage is its own reward
Where a man can foresee
A time when he can finally say
I'm more than my father could be
The master of all I survey
Oh, to be truly alive
I need to sail where the strongest survive
And find my way, through the wind and the spray
To a life I've never known
A destiny that I can call my own
Master John!
You are here!
Yes, and I'll be off again soon
Not soon enough. Your father knows you are back and he is a mad as a hornet
I don't give a damn what the old man thinks
I will not be forced into a life my father's mapped out for me
I don't need anyone to tell me what they think I should be
They will see!
That to be truly alive
I need to sail where the strongest survive
And find my way, through the wind and the spray
To a life that I call my own
And I will find what it is that I need to be truly—
Well, well. What brings the great adventurer back to
Lonely Chattel. I supposed it would have inconvenienced you to send word of your arrival
We barely communicated when I lived here. I figured, why break with tradition
Dammit John. Do you think that I built all this just to see my son haul ropes for a living?
I think you built it so you wouldn't have to see me at all
The foolish son believes
—Here we go again
That he can find a better way
—Always the same old story
That only the young can perceive a calling
—When will you decide
That they must obey!
—You don't know what I need to be truly alive
You don't know what you're asking
—I need to sail where the strongest survive
Your journey, I have been there
—And find my way
Don't tell me my business
It's not enough to dream about your life
The way you wish it could be
So let me prove I am a man
Who can stand against sea!
You will see!
That to be truly alive
—You don't know what you're asking for, Johnny
I need to sail where the strongest survive
—There is more to this world than what you believe
And find my way, through the wind and the spray
—Yes, I am still your father
To a life that I call my own
It's up to me
—Why can't you see that I know what you need
To be truly alive
—To be truly alive?