--- PHANTOM OF THE OPERA CAST --- Lyrics - The Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack

The Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack Lyrics

The Phantom of the Opera - Michael Crawford;
Christine Daae - Sarah Brightman / Patti Cohenour;
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny - Steve Barton;
Carlotta Guidicelli - Judy Kaye;
Monsieur Andre - Cris Groenendaal;
Monsieur Firmin - Nicholas Wyman;
Madame Giry - Leila Martin;
Ubaldo Piangi - David Romano;
Meg Giry - Elisa Heinsohn;
Monsieur Reyer - Peter Kevoian;
Auctioneer - Richard Warren Pugh;
Porter/Marksman - Jeff Keller;
Monsieur Lefevre - Kenneth Waller;
Joseph Buquet - Philip Steele;
Don Attilio ("Il Muto")/Passarino - George Lee Andrews;
Slave Master ("Hannibal") - Luis Perez;
Flunky/Stagehand - Barry McNabb;
Policeman - Charles Rule;
Page ("Don Juan Triumphant") - Olga Talyn;
Porter/Fireman - William Scott Brown;
Page ("Don Juan Triumphant") - Candace Rogers-Adler;
Wardrobe Mistress/Confidante ("Il Muto") - Mary Leigh Stahl;
Princess ("Hannibal") - Rebecca Luker;
Madame Firmin - Beth McVey;
Innkeeper's Wife ("Don Juan Triumphant") - Jan Horvath;
Ballet Chorus of the Opera Populaire - Irene Cho, Nicole Fosse, Lisa Lockwood, Lori MacPherson, Dodie Pettit, Catherine Ulissey; Swing - Keith Buterbuagh, Frank Mastrone, Alba Quezada; Ballet Swing - Denny Berry.

Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher


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