Lightfall through the leaves, a lush surrounding from a dream, a morning breeze freshens the air
Waking eyes from peaceful rest, now ready to remember
When all this was but a desert, a shadow of a man drowning in the sky, but drying up inside
Rising, rising
The movement of each grain of sand is but an echo
Of a future that beckons me to witness my new island rise
As it churns the sea
As I set foot into the dirt, I thank my chances
For keeping me afloat enough to draw another breath
And claim the riches of my fortunes
Rising, rising - I can see the waves rush to the shores, inviting me to be explored
Rising, rising - as I walk among my golden trees, I catch their shade and touch their leaves
Rising, rising - hear the wind howl through the valleys to remind me of the vastness of this land
Which I build to form an edge of sanity and dreams
With my own hand
Many I welcome to come by and give me your precious
Offerings of flesh and heart and soul and mind
Oh, well before you deem yourself welcome to stay
As I will look at night at stars, pulling them closer
Stellar winds will throw a firework of colours through the sky
Welcoming this newborn mass
I'll make a river for the rain
A mountain for the snow
Horizon for the sun
I can see a haven for a friend, an eagle flies from end to end
Rising birds of prey with wings of thought to soar and to return
With riches from the distant lands where someday I may roam