Calming a storm, stilling the waters,
That's quite a feat we have to agree.
There must be more, one more example,
Showing the world that love is the key.
Three sisters were weeping, were weeping with sorrow.
No money, no future, no food for tomorrow.
Their father was in despair, was in despair.
What's to become of us?
Are we to spend our days accepting charity
Or doing anything that pays?
This is a story that could end in tears.
We want to know, we want to know.
Tell us the story. Did it end in tears?
We want to know, we want to know.
It seemed the only option was to sell,
Sell the three girls, sell the three girls.
This cannot be! This cannot be! This cannot be!
What's to become of me?
Am I to spend my days accepting charity
Or doing anything that pays?
There will be no weeping.
While you all are sleeping
I will end your sorrow.
When you wake tomorrow
You'll find your cares have ended,
Your precious lives have mended!
That night Saint Nicolas he came,
He left some money but no name.
A fine example of his love,
He was inspired by God above, God above!
This is the man that we recognise! The man called:
Santa, Sinter Klaas, Kris Kringle, Père Noël.
Santa, Sinter Klaas, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicolas!