A wise man once said to me
"You want to taste the sun, you peel an orange"
I didn't know what the hell he meant
I was young and arrogant
The smartest woman I ever knew said
"You know sweet boy
You're not the only one
In this world who struggles day to day"
Oh there was nothing I could say
Life is weird, life is tough
And life is beautiful
I suppose
Why it's all these many things
Surely only
The Good Lord knows
And I really cannot say
Whether God's involved each day
I swear I still can feel Him when I pray
But I am also aware
The universe don't care much if I'm here or not
I am meaningless
It irks me I confess
But discovering the indifference
But accepting the indifference
Is what I need to do
If I'm to take me less seriously
And get down to the only thing that's true
And that is that
I love you
I love you I love you
I love you