One day at midnight, the sun was so bright|The moon had no light, but I could see|This big ol' sasquatch, said he was top-notch, at playin' hopscotch|Way up in a tree|So I bet my wrist watch, that big ol'd sasquatch|Would never play hopscotch way up in a tree|Now, there's a sasquatch, up in a tree crotch|He's got my wrist watch, and he's laughin' at me||I told the mounties, throughout the counties|To put some bounties all over B.C.|And stop that sasquatch, from playin' hopscotch||'Till he gives my wrist watch, right back to me|Then Corporal Savern, he found a tavern, in an empty cavern|Where the sun don't shine|And he found a sasquatch, drinkin' blue blotch|Wearin' a wrist watch, lookin' just like mine|So he asked the sasquatch, where he got the wrist watch|And that big ol' sasquatch, he began to lie|Said he got the wrist watch, while playin' hopscotch|Up in a tree crotch, with a stupid old guy|So the mountie told him, he could never hold him|He'd have to scold him, for doing no harm|So they played some hopscotch, until the sasquatch|Had the mountie's wrist watch, on his other arm||Now all the mounties, throughout the counties|They're placing bounties all over the land|And that big ol' sasquatch, he won't feel top notch|When they get their sasquatch, like they get their man|'Cause if that sasquatch keeps playin' hopscotch|There won't be a wrist watch, for miles around|'Cause he'll play hopscotch, 'till he gets your wrist watch|Up in that tree crotch, and he'll never come down|So don't play hopscotch, near any old tree crotch|Until that old, watch stealin', big feelin', hopscotchin' sasquatch is found.||