I saw a cat in an olive tree, on a wonderland walk.
I asked: 'Which way?' and he grinned at me. Then he started to talk.
He said: 'That depends on what you want to find.
A hare and a hatter live down on the right.
They're excellent hosts - but they've both lost their minds.
Like you, before long! I'll see you anon.'
Then he was gone.
I saw the cat for a second time: he was playing croquet.
I told the king: 'That's a friend of mine', when he asked for its name.
But Cat didn't want to kiss King on the hand.
And King was a desperately sensitive man.
He looked to his wife and made quite the demand.
He wanted him dead. And so the queen said:
'Off with his head.'
But only his head had appeared to the crowd.
The rest of its body was not to be found.
The poor executioner told to get on.
But how can he take from a body that's gone?
While they were arguing how to proceed
The cat started fading away to it's teeth.
All that remained was a grin in the air.
Then nothing was there, there, there, there, there.
Nothing was there. Nothing was there.
Cheshire Cat sat on the croquet lawn,
Flamingo mallets and hedgehog balls.
Cheshire Cat sat on the croquet lawn,
Flamingo mallets and hedgehog balls.