Angels, come in celebration.
Sing and swell our joyful song.
May the might of your elation
Bear all weary hearts along.
Come and worship,
Come and worship,
Lift our hearts on wings of song.
Angels, with the saints in glory
Praising God in beauty bright,
Sing for us creation's story,
Land and sea and stars of light.
Come and worship,
Come and worship,
Praise with us the God of light!
Angels, from your lofty station
Sent to dwell with us on earth,
Sing again of Incarnation,
God made flesh at Jesus' birth.
Come and worship,
Come and worship,
Praises sing for Jesus birth!
Angels, from your home in glory
Sent to guide us on life's way,
Sing with us salvation's story
Jesus' death to Easter day.
Come and worship,
Come and worship
Praise the Risen Lord today!
Angels, come in jubilation,
Chanting hymns of thund'rous praise.
Sing the World of revelation,
God at work in wondrous ways.
Come and worship,
Come and worship,
Praise with us God's wondrous ways!