People murder each other
And it better end
These genocides are breaking my heart
It's such an inhuman act
Crazy you
You're such a fool
Mindf*cking us all
It's not cool at all
Are you this crazy?
Did you really lose your control?
I can't believe this shit no more
Do you wanna be a cruel bitch and break the laws?
Do you wanna get in prison for murdering innocent hearts?
If you really think that's so right
Then I wanna cry
Then I wanna cry
Don't try to commit genocide
Don't try to destroy my mind
I just want you to be kind
I just want you to be kind
Laws exist for a good reason
If you break them, you may get in prison
This world won't work if there ain't no order
There would only be chaos and infinite murders
Crazy you
You're such a fool
Mindf*cking us all
It's not cool at all
Are you this crazy?
Did you really lose your control?
I can't believe this shit no more
Do you wanna be a cruel bitch and break the laws?
Do you wanna get in prison for murdering innocent hearts?
If you really think that's so right
Then I wanna cry
Then I wanna cry
Don't try to commit genocide
Don't try to destroy my mind
I just want you to be kind
I just want you to be kind
People can be whatever, cuz they were born that way
You don't need to make excuses for me, okay?
We need to fix the order of this world once and for all
Even if you don't feel the love no more
Do you wanna be a cruel bitch and break the laws?
Do you wanna get in prison for murdering innocent hearts?
If you really think that's so right
Then I wanna cry
Then I wanna cry
Don't try to commit genocide
Don't try to destroy my mind
I just want you to be kind
I just want you to be kind
Don't try to commit genocide
Don't murder people of color, stay kind
No one can't handle that agony anymore
No one can't handle murders no more