Abbott Elementary is an American mockumentary sitcom television series created by Quinta Brunson for ABC. It stars Brunson as Janine Teagues, a perpetually optimistic second-grade teacher at the underfunded Abbott Elementary, a fictional predominantly Black public school in Philadelphia. The ensemble cast includes Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Lisa Ann Walter, Chris Perfetti, William Stanford Davis, and Sheryl Lee Ralph.
The series premiered on December 7, 2021, and was met with critical acclaim and strong viewership numbers on Hulu and other delayed viewing methods. The show has been nominated for 24 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning four including Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for Brunson. Abbott Elementary has also won three Golden Globe Awards, with acting wins for Brunson and Williams and the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy in 2023.
In January 2023, the series was renewed for a third season consisting of 14 episodes, which premiered on February 7, 2024, with a two-episode premiere. Three days after the third season premiere, it was also renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on October 9, 2024.