(Aired on NBC, premiering on September 13, 1990, and completing its 20th season on May 24, 2010)
(On September 28, 2021, after an 11-year hiatus, NBC announced that the series would be revived for a 21st season, which premiered on February 24, 2022)
(Theme of Law & Order score by Mike Post)
About the iconic "The Clang", as Post refers to it, David Allen said:
• "The tone moves the viewer from scene to scene, jumping forward in time with all the importance and immediacy of a judge's gavel - which is exactly what Post was aiming for when he created it. While reminiscent of a jail door slamming..."
• "...it is actually an amalgamation of 'six or seven' sounds, including the sound made by 500 Japanese men walking across a hardwood floor."
The sound has become so associated with the Law & Order brand that it was also carried over to other series of the franchise.