Pete the Cat is a fictional cartoon cat created by American artist James Dean. The series started with four books illustrated by Dean and with text by Eric Litwin; since then, James Dean and his wife Kimberly Dean have written and illustrated the series of books.
On December 26, 2017, an animated holiday special, Pete the Cat: A Groovy New Year, was released on Amazon Prime. Jacob Tremblay starred as the title character, with his parents voiced by Elvis Costello and Diana Krall. Additional voices were provided by Atticus Shaffer, KT Tunstall, and Don Was.
It was followed by a Pete the Cat series which was released on September 21, 2018. It was based on the books and developed by Phineas and Ferb co-creator Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. The series also has a Christmas special titled Pete the Cat: A Very Groovy Christmas which was released on November 20, 2018, guest starring Dave Matthews and Jason Mraz. There are tie-in books based on the TV series.
A second season began production as of February 2019. Throughout June-July 2019, clips from then-unreleased episodes from season 1 were uploaded to the Pete the Cat YouTube channel. The clips were later taken down in July 2019, but were reuploaded one month later. The second half of season 1 was released on August 9, 2019.
The third part of season 2 was released on November 5, 2021. The fourth and final part of season 2 was released on March 11, 2022.