The Cruel Mother
Sung by Mrs. Bowring, Cerne Abbas, Dorset
.i.There was a lady lived in York,
All alone and a loney,
A farmer's son he courted her
All down by the greenwood sidey.
He courted her for seven long years.
All alone and a loney,
At last she proved in child for him.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She pitched her knee against a tree,
All alone and a loney,
And there she found great misery.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She pitched her back against a thorn,
All alone and a loney,
And there she had her baby born.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She drew the fillet off her head.
All alone and a loney,
She bound the baby's hands and legs.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She drew a knife both long and sharp.
All alone and a loney,
She pierced the baby's innocent heart.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She wiped the knife upon the grass.
All alone and a loney,
The more she wiped, the blood run fast.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
She washed her hands all in the spring.
All alone and a loney,
Thinking to turn a maid again.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
As she was going to her father's hall,
All alone and a loney,
She saw three babes a-playing at ball.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
One dressed in silk, the other in satin,
All alone and a loney,
The other star-naked as ever was born.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
O, dear baby, if you was mine,
All alone and a loney,
I'd dress you in silk and satin so fine.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
O, dear mother, I once was thine.
All alone and a loney,
You would never dress me coarse or fine.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
The coldest earth it was my bed.
All alone and a loney,
The green grass was my coverlet.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
O, mother, mother, for your sin,
All alone and a loney,
Heaven gate you shall not enter in.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
There is a fire beyond hell's gate,
All alone and a loney,
And there you shall burn both early and late.
All down by the greenwood sidey.
Child #20