SOURCE: Bob Pfeffer
SOURCE'S SOURCE: Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem
G e
G D7 G
And a couple or two or three went on a spree one day
And the beer and whiskey flew, and we all felt gay.
G D7
G A7 D7
We then went into Swann's our stomachs for to pack
And we finished it with speed but we still felt slack
G e
And a plate of Irish stew he soon put out of sight
But him we couldn't tram, though we tried our level best
It went down him like a shot but he still stood the test
G D7
He'll devour the tablecloth if you don't haul him in
And to finish the affair, called the shopman a liar
He threw an empty bowl at the shopkeeper's head
And the ructions did begin, and we all fought and bled
And at us they made a drive for us all to march away
And went home to ruminate on the spree that day