"Tenía la certeza, cambiar tu naturaleza,
Pero el amor se marchitó,
Como flor en la maleza,
Cuando el viento todo se lleva,
Ya no soy yo, ya no soy yo.
Well, I can't blame myself, can´t blame myself,
I know I care but freedom tells my fate.
Can't bring me down, can't bring me down,
One step, twice and I'm alright.
Tenía la certeza, cambiar tu naturaleza,
Pero el amor se marchitó.
Well I can't blame myself, can´t blame myself,
I know I care but freedom tells my fate.
Can't bring me down, can't bring me down,
One step, twice and I'm alright.
Como flor en la maleza,
Cuando el viento todo se lleva,
Ya no soy yo, ya no soy yo.
Well, I can't blame myself, can´t blame myself,
I know I care but freedom tells my fate.
Can't bring me down, can't bring me down,
One step, twice and I'm alright.
Welcome to the valley, we're the living dead.
We are not nightmares, you can't bring us down,
You cannot bring us down."