Have you seen my one hoodie
I swear I left it at Scoonie
Scoonie Claes!
Sucking it out of it, like it were ice poles
This is Squad Goals
Chuck mug
Creamy chuck f*ck
Sneetzfeetz and sceesorz, chuck sucks and f*cks
Crinky winky wonk
I wish I was
The same funny
Ness at Kit Roscoe
But I work at Costco
What the f*ck was that
Have you seen
Anybody here
I know there is
Splenty of
John Cunninghams
Stewart Philps
One hoodie
In his hilt
F*ck that
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah ah
Goobaba, Zegoobaba
Ah, badaka, bababoh, zoobadha, aaaah