Because of a dream
I couldn't be there
In blood or in flesh
To tell you the truth
So, in summation:
Nothing is sacred
It's all an illusion
And there is no proof
What would proof do for us?
To know it was nothing,
How fruitless the fruit.
The dream that I mean
Is one where I'm flying
Untethered from everything
My body, my soul
It starts with
A buzzing
A lot of vibrating
A clanging of bells
A loss of control
Then I'm ethereal.
I'm under the carpet,
I walk through the walls
Because of this dream
(by which I mean dying')
I cannot be there
To answer the door
You'll have to explain
To who(m)ever's calling
That nothing is sacred,
That nothing is real
And when they laugh
You'll have to laugh with them.
What else can you do?