Help me I feel so numb oh what have
I become oh God I feel so numb oh what have I become
Its getting hard to tell friend from foe in music
I open up so all my feelings show so I'm sick of people I cared for
Calling me fake I wanna give up on the world for everything it made me take
I don't care if you don't like how I
Feel I don't either but I'm still trying to deal
I also can't walk around depressed cause everyone would hate me
Either that or give me pity lately I been getting sick of everyone
Saying they'll support but not much has changed
And they got nothing to show for it
Sorry if it sounds like I'm thinking too deep but its hard to see the positive
When I'm processing a heap I wish it'd go away after I go to sleep
But even that's a hard pattern for me to keep I
Hope I still have a fan by the time I'm awake
I'm sorry if its selfish I should do this for your sake
Help me I feel so numb oh what have
I become oh God I feel so numb oh what have I become
There's this aching hole inside of my chest and it seems
I'm the only one that it will make upset and I don't know
Why its there and I can't explain
Because even if I did you wouldn't understand my pain I fight to wear a smile so
That I can still socialize when the thoughts from my head overpower
This is how I vocalize I know I'm failing some
Of you every time I do this my bravery ain't appreciated
I guess I'm like Brutus I'm sorry I tried freeing everybody
That got what I meant but nobody understands these letters
That I have sent I don't want your pity I want
Appreciation but I don't need it like I don't need validation
I'm gonna be a king even if I lack a country most of y'all
Ain't got drive so to you this sounds funny
I hope nobody out there has to understand what I'm saying but if you
Do you're not alone this song is for your aiding
Help me I feel so numb oh what have I become oh God
I feel so numb oh what have I become