The Full Monty Cast
What I want? That's easy asshole -
I want a job
I want to feel like a person instead of a slob
I wanna wake up knowing where I'm gonna go
Not going nowhere
Wandering the streets of Buffalo
'Cause it's a slow town
When you don't know where to go
I'll be wetting down the razor
Then I'll figure
"What's the point?"
So I go into the living room
Roll another joint. Then lunch. Then a beer
Then sitting like an ape on the sofa
With a hankie
And the same old porno tape
And that's a big day when you're scrap
What I want? I'll tell you jerky -
I want a life
I want to feel like the husband
Instead of the wife
I want to get some sleep when I go to bed
Instead of lying there digging through
The garbage in my head
Jerry & Dave
And it's a long night when you're scrap
It's a long, long nightwhen you're scrap
I know what I want.
A place of my own. It could be a room, even. Just so it's mine.
I don't know what i want. Something. Somebody.
I guess I'm lonely
I'm lonely
I don't know what to do
I should get out -
A bar -
Ethan & Malcolm
A party or two
I sure could use a friend
Somebody -
Ethan & Malcolm
But there's that horrifying moment when
They ask you what you do
Hi. I'm Malcolm, a complete loser who still lives at home with his mother.
Hi. I'm Dave Bukatinsky.
I just defrosted my refrigerator and vacuumed my living room.
And how was your day?
Hi, I'm Jerry Lukowski. I'm 32, out of work, divorced, in debt up to my balls.
I need some serious dental work and
If I don't make some money soon they won't let me see my kid.
I'm fed up, frustrated, angry and oh yeah -
So what I want - that's easy
I want to understand
How I got to be a loser
And I used to be a man
And I don't know where I'm going
I don't know why I'm here
All I know is that the future
Will include another beer
And that's important -
I just want some veal
Or a steak on the table
'S that too much to ask?
I just want something real
Something right, something stable
'S that too much to ask?
I just want to feel like
I know what my label is
Just tell me what my label is
Just give me
Anything but... I'm happy to be
Anything but...
I don't wanna be...
It's a Woman's World
The Full Monty Cast
Who's got power?
Who's got juice?
Who's got the money?
It's a woman's world
Who feels freedom
To let loose
Tonight, honey, honey -
It's a woman's world
Back at home my libido is asleep
Nothing stirring up the batter
Now I know all I needed was a heap
O' dancing beefcake on a platter
A silver platter!
Let's get sweaty and
Let's get mean
Fire up the burner -
It's a woman's world
I'll be president
I'll be queen
I'll be Tina Turner -
It's a woman's world
'Cause tonight
Yeah tonight
It's a woman's world
Work all day, I come home and he's all pissed
It's a wallow-in-the-mudfest
Now I know all I need to clear the system's
Just a raunchy little studfest
God bless their little G-strings!
All that music and all that beat
Who's feeling funny -
It's a woman's world
All those men moving
All that meat
Tonight, honey-honey -
It's a woman's world
I like the chunky little butt
On that motorcycle cop
I wanna go up there and bite it
You'll chip a tooth, honey!
Or G.I. Joe with the military jock
I'd give a hundred bucks to see what's inside it
What's inside it?
What's inside it?
Why do they hide it?
All that music and all that beat
Making me dizzy
It's a woman's world
All those men moving
All that meat
Let's get busy!
It's a woman's world
Well it might be the men's room
Yeah, but tonight -
It's a woman's world!
The Full Monty Cast
You're out of work, your pride is missin'
They call you jerk but you don't listen
You haven't got a pot to piss in
But you're a ... man
Your hands are rough, your back is hairy
Your talk is tough, your smell is scary
Here's what you're not - you're not a fairy
No you're a beer-drinking, real live man
And when the beef comes out you do the carvin'
You hate Tom Cruise but you love Lee Marvin
You're a man and that's a bonus
'Cause when you're swinging your cojones
You'll show 'em what testosterone is
'Cause you're a boot-wearin', beer-drinking
Chevy-driving man
Don't do it to be the most talked-about man in Buffalo.
Don't do it for all the money you're gonna rake in.
Don't even do it so your best friend can keep seeing his son,
Whom he loves more than life.
Oh no - do it for yourself, Davie-boy.
Show yourself the stuff you're made of. Don't show me.
You get these plans. They always fail
You've been divorced. You've been to jail
You may be bold. You may be male
But you're a bum bum ba-dum...BUM
You got your dreams, you got your wishes
And I don't want to sound malicious
But you're a nut, and I got dishes -
I'm going home
See ya.
You walk away now, but you'll be back. You know you're always there for me.
Not this time, Fabio. Jerry the Stripper...
Surf's up, laides.
Here comes Lukowski - the big kahuna - riding your pipeline.
I'm hanging ten.
Stand back, ladies.
It's quarterback Jerry, throwing a long ball right into your end zone.
Touchdown! Wanna go for two?
Bases loaded. It's Bad Boy Jerry, swinging a big, big ol' bat.
B-b-banging one right at you, baby. BooYaa!
I'm gonna jump straight up
Kick a hole in the moon
Don't know exactly where i'm going
But I know I'm gonna get there soon
I'll show you, I'll show them all
I'll show them all the real thing
What is a man? Why does he bother?
'Cause he's a man. 'Cause he's a father
He wants his kid, he wants his life
He wants to...
He wants to be
A man
A real man
Yes I am
I'm gonna be
I've gotta be
A real man with a mission
Like you see on television
I'm a real fine gen-u-ine
Big-Ass Rock
The Full Monty Cast
Let's find a rock
I mean a big-ass rock
Or maybe something like
A cinder block is better
I'll hoist it up
And drop it on your face, my buddy
And just before the lights go out
You'll see my smile and you'll know
You've got a friend
With a rock
Who cares
I mean a big-ass rock
Or rope
I got some quality rope
Made for a man who's devoid of hope
Like you are, my buddy
Michael -
Unh, that's Malcolm.
Malcolm. Right!
And I won't leave you swinging there
Twitching like a fish while you claw the air
I'll grab your feet
And pal o' mine
I'll pull real hard
And snap your spinal cord
The world is cold when you're alone and
They ignore you
But don't kill yourself
Jerry & Dave
We'll do it for you
You've got a friend
You know, I asked a guy once if he'd mind putting me in a barrel
And sending me over the falls.
You know what the son of a bitch said? "Drop dead, asshole."
People are pricks. I asked this guy to take his air compressor
And drill me with a six-inch nail right through the eye...
What'd he say?
"I'm low on nails."
People are selfish pricks.
Another time, now get this,
I just lay down in front of a steam roller and asked the guy just to proceed,
You know, business as usual, and just squash me like a bug.
That's a good way to go, Jer, the ol' bug squash.
We could tie a plastic laundry bag over his head.
Naw, that's such a wimp suicide.
I stuck my finger in a socket once. It hurt real bad...but it didn't kill me.
Malcolm, stay out of this.
I've got a friend
Like Carole King
Or was it Carly Simon
Used to sing?
I always get those two confused
But anyway -
I turned around
And suddenly
I'm not alone
It ain't just me
I'm like a player on the team
I'm part of the gang...
A member of the club Jerry & Dave
Player on our team
Part of the gang
Welcome to the club
Oo ... let's get a club
I like the big-ass rock
Naw, one good swing and
I'll clean his clock forever
Let gravity do the work!
It's a man's way to die, Mikey.
I got friends
I've got friends
Dave & Jerry
Friends who will
Love you like a maniac
And lead you like a lamb
To the railroad track
And tie you down
Or tickle your wrist
With a single-edge razor
Or buy you a beer with
A Draino chaser
Or dump you in the
River with a rock
A big-ass rock
Here's a nice one right over here
Can I give you a hand with that? It looks heavy.
No Dave
It's ain't heavy...he's my friend
Come on, group hug.
Life With Harold
The Full Monty Cast
You gotta love that man
He's like my personal angel
I've always wanted the kind of life
That I've been having as Harold's wife
What a catch I have caught
He would buy me the moon
If the moon could be bought
I'm telling you -
You gotta love that man
Why can't you just tell her?
She adores me. How do you break the heart of someone you love?
I really love that man
He likes me dressed to the nines
I saw two words and then ta-da
There's me completely in Prada
And I've got the boots that go with the belt
That goes with the bag
That goes with my wonderful life with Harold
You gotta love that man
So he tells me you boys are rollers at the mill.
That's wonderful. Of course,
I don't actually know what rollers do, but hey,
I hardly know what Harold does over there. It's all steel to me.
Look at her. She's a piece of Dresden china.
She'd break into a million pieces!
God, I love that man
But lately he's working too hard
I keep on telling him how we
Should take a few weeks in Maui
And we'll feel the breeze and sample the poi
And go see Don Ho and I'll say
"Oh boy, how I love you, Harold"
I hit the jackpot with Harry
He's a gem - he's a beaut
He looks cute in a suit and he loves me to boot
I'm telling you
You gotta love that man
Love that man
I love that man
I love that man!
Love that man
You gotta love that man
You really gotta love
That man
Big Black Man
The Full Monty Cast
When I was just a little nipper
Daddy told me "Son
That thing there underneath your zipper
Can be lots of fun
When you get a little older
You'll understand
That every woman in the world loves
A big black man."
Now I ain't elite, I ain't no man of means
But I got mean feet and my daddy's genes
You just meet me once and you'll understand
There ain't nothing in the world like
A big black man
Cause I'm big and I'm proud
Singing out loud
Dancing it since the day I was born
Who's got the tools?
Who breaks the rules?
'Git back
And let a man do the popcorn!
I'm what your sister and your mother's
Always thinking of
They put my picture on the cover
Of the book of love
Never need a line
I don't need no plan
'Cause there ain't nothin in the world like a -
Here I go,
Now hit me!
Hit me twice!
Hit me three times!
I do the monkey
The mashed potatoes
I do the jerk
Now watch me work!
You can look up and down
All over town
Ask anybody
Ask all around
Who knows the grooves?
Who busta' moves?
I got the...
And the...
And the...
Horse & Jerry
I'm/He's what your sister and your mama's
Always thinking of
I/You take up eight whole chapters
In the book of love
It's a long low load with a deep dark tan
There ain't nothing in the world
Like a big black man
Horse and Jerry
A big black man
Horse, Jerry, Dave
A big black man
Horse, Jerry, Dave, Malcolm
A big black man
Gotta love a big black man!
A big black man!
You Rule My World
The Full Monty Cast
Look at you, you're lying there
I feel your milky skin, caress your silky hair
For all these years you've been with me
I tilt my chin and what I see is
Only you...
Not feet or knees
You grumble and I stumble
Towards the Meunster cheese
I'm in your spell, a chubby fool
And anyone can tell
You rule my world - my world -
No matter what I do
You rule my world
Look at you - my life, my dream -
My lady with the eighty-dollar
Slumber cream
The hundred-dollar haircuts
The novelty appliances we never use
And all those shoes
You bought for when we go on
The Alaskan cruise
My boat is sinking, I don't care
You're everything I want
You rule my world - my world -
You're everything I need
Anywhere you go I'll follow
Anywhere I'll follow you
Anything you want I'll give you
Anything at all
Harold & Dave
Anything you feel hollow, don't worry
I'll make you whole.
Look at me
And hold me hard
A moment please, before they seize the Visa card
'Cause I'd do anything to keep you
You rule my world Dave
I'll swallow it whole
Just take a look at me
You never leave my side
Why can't I let you go?
Why can't I just lose -
You rule my world
Harold & Dave
My world
Though I'm unemployed
A tad depressed
I'm overweight
I'm overdressed
Harold & Dave
There's nothing I can do, you rule my world
There's nothing I can do...
Michael Jordan's Ball
The Full Monty Cast
When Michael's got the basketball
It's Michael's house from wall to wall
You hear that name, it's a diff'rent game
When it's Michael Jordan's ball
When it's Michael's ball you're dead, you're through
'Cause Michael takes the game to you
He's in your face, you lost the race
It's Michael Jordan's ball
The fake, the spin
The drive and then he's in the paint
The pump, the jump, and he's up in the air
Like a goddamn saint!
When Micheal bolts and he penetrates
You feel the volts he generates
He's slick as soap, he's King, he's Pope
He's Michael Friggin' Jordan!
Jerry & Men
You fake, you spin, you drive
And then you're in the paint
You pump, you jump, and you're up there!
And you're through the roof
And you're in the zone
Two-hundred-proof testosterone
You're bad, you're hot, you're almost God!
You're Michael Jordan...
Say it!
I'm Michael -
I'm Michael -
I'm Michael -
I'm Michael -
I'm Michael -
I'm Michael -
Jerry, Dave & Malcolm
I'm Michael - Ethan, Harold & Horse
Michael Jordan -
Let's get ready to rumba!!
Jeanette's Showbiz Number
The Full Monty Cast
This gig's an echo of that time with Buddy Greco
When we did the Desert Inn in '59
The dancing girls were clunky
The drummer was a junkie
But we pulled the act together
And we killed 'em every time
That having been said, frankly
I think that things are worse here
That guy and his head are gonna need
Some kind of nurse here
It's like a friggin' curse here
Things could be better -
So sue me, it's the truth
Things could be better 'round here
It's an attitude problem. Seen it a million times.
I was subbing with Stan Kenton
In this seedy club in Trenton
When I heard my third divorce
Had just gone through
I coulda torn my heart out
But instead I got my chart out
And I gave 'em all a lesson
In the way to play the blues
That having been said
Something is even more morose here
Just looking ahead's making me feel
Real gross here
We aren't even close here
Things could be better
Could they get any worse? I don't think so
Things could be better 'round here
It's like a putz museum
A showbiz mausoleum
Things could be better 'round here
There's a problem with the timing
There's a problem with the groove
There's an overwhelming lethargy
Nothing can improve
You can sense defeat get closer
Every time they add a move...
There's only six days Ethan
Where am I? Don't worry, I'll get it. Who are you?
This guys needs a helmet
That guy needs some lipo
And I could use some Geritol delivered in a hypo
But I don't wanna gripe -
Oh -
Things could be better
You bet your ass they could.
Things could be better 'round here
Now let me just tell you something...
I've played for hoofers who can't hoof
I've played for tone-deaf singers
And once, when I insulted Frank
I played with broken fingers
I've paid my dues
I know the blues -
Of this I can assure you
So now I'll say it one last time
'Cause I don't want to bore you
I've got some bad news for you
Things could be better
Things could be better
They really could be better
Let's face it, we suck.
We're deep down in the ditch, man
This showbiz is a bitch, man
Things could be better
We could be better
Things could be better 'round -
You know what Kate Smith used to say about a bad rehearsal?
Usually means a bad performance.
Breeze off the River
The Full Monty Cast
There's a breeze off the river
Through the crack in the window pane
There's my boy on the pillow
And I feel like I'm lost again
Everybody knows the secret
They all know what their life should be
And they move like a river
Everybody knows except for me
And I never feel like somebody somebody
Calls a father
I can't explain
But when I look at you kid, it's like a mirror
It spins my head, it wakes me
Like the breeze off the river
Every time I see your face
And it's strange but familiar
Like a map of a better place
And sometimes I feel like I live in a shadow
And shadow's all I see
Then you jump straight up
And you grab the moon
And you make it shine on me
Where do you get it from?
Everybody knows the secret
Well I don't and I never did
I don't know any secret
All I know is I love you kid
All I know is I love you kid
All I know...
The Full Monty Cast
Take a look at this girl
That's everything I like
She got the face, she got the waist
She got the legs
Naw, her tits are too big
What are you, crazy?
Bodacious funbags are a must!
They gotta be C or D or better
They gotta post a threat to the sweater - ow!
She got the goods!
That's an eight or nine at least
She got the goods
Let me see that
She has some irredeemable flaws. I give her a six.
Ah - now there's a ten!
You call that a ten?
Based on the booty
What do you mean? It's huge.
She got a butt like a battleship!
I don't need to look above the hip
She got that shelf kinda ass ... you could display your tchotchkes, your collectibles on there.
Baby got back. That's a fact
You could park a wide-track Pontiac in that crack
Now that's the goods
The bigger the cushion -
She's got a sofa-bed back there!
Well we just better hope the women are more forgiving than we are.
What is that supposed to mean?
If they're looking at us Sunday night the way we're usually looking at them, we're in trouble.
Nightmare Georgie
Take a look at that opie-looking jerk with the pigeon chest!
Nightmare Pam
And I give that fat guy's ass a two
But I wish I had such voluptous breasts
Nightmare Vicki
And what about old Father Time over there?
Yeah, sure he can dance
But I didn't pay twenty bucks to look at
Red Foxx skip around in a pair of
Blue underpants
That ain't the goods
What happens when they say that?
This is not the goods!
Nightmare Estelle
He's fat, he's old, he's skinny, he's bald
He's short
He's got pimples on his ass
He's fat, he's old, he's skinny, he's bald
He's short
He's got pimples on his ass
Women can be lovers
Women can be pals
Women can be modern types
Or sweet old-fashioned gals
Women can be angels on earth
But then again
Holy goddamn f*cking shit...
Women can be men
He's fat, he's old, he's skinny
He's bald, he's short
He's fat, he's old, he's skinny
He's bald, he's short
I've got pimples
All over my ass!!
Look at it! Jesus!
That ain't the goods Women
He's got pimples
All over his ass
That ain't the goods
I feel extremely insecure
All of a sudden
What am I doin' here?
What am I doin' here?
What the hell am I doing here
This ain't the goods
You Walk With Me
The Full Monty Cast
Is it the wind
Over my shoulder?
Is it the wind that I hear gently whispering
Are you alone there in the valley?
No, not alone for you walk, you walk with me
Is it the wind there over my shoulder?
Is it your voice calling quietly?
Over the hilltop, down in the valley
Never alone for you walk with me
When evening falls
And the air gets colder
When shadows cover the road I am following
Will I be alone there in the darkness?
No, not alone, not alone
And I'll never be...
Never alone, you are walking
You're walking with me
Malcolm & Ethan
Is it the wind there, over my shoulder?
Is it your voice calling quietly?
Over the hilltop, down in the valley
Never alone for you walk with me
Over the hilltop, down in the valley
Never alone for you walk with me
Never alone for you walk with me
You Rule My World (Reprise)
The Full Monty Cast
I look at you and what I see
The only man I ever loved in front of me
I chose you, Dave, it hasn't changed
You're everything I want, you rule my world
Look at you, you're standing there
You're still a prince
You're still the answer to a prayer
And what I see is all I want
You're everything -
You're everything
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anywhere I'll follow you
Anything you want, I'll give you
Anything at all
Anytime you're lost
That's me there, I'm with you
I'll see you back home Georgie
I'll take you home
Look at me -
Look at me, Harold
And hold me tight
Honey, don't you understand?
You're like the morning sun to me
But twice as bright
I'll never let you go
And what I see is what I get
And it's everything I want
You rule my world
You rule my world
You're everything I need
Let It Go
The Full Monty Cast
Did I capture your imagination?
Did I break you down and make you smile?
It's a serious little situation
Why don't we loosen up and dance a while?
You need a loose-lipped lover
With a heart of honey
You need a sex cadet when duty calls
Come on show me all your bare-faced beauty
I wanna see our shadows bouncing off the walls
Ethan, Malcolm, Dave, Horse & Harold
Let it go, let it go, loose up, yeah, let it go
Let it go, let it go, it's all right
Let it go, let it go, shake it up now, let it go
You just tell me when you think you're ready
Let the music be the master
I got a whammy bar on my brown guitar
You can play me like a stratocaster
'Cause here I am and baby, there you are!
Jerry and Ethan
Well I'm a rocket boy with a touch like silver
Horse & Harold
And I'm crashing through your bedroom door
Jerry, Ethan, Malcolm
And I'm ready like I hope you're ready
Come on I'll show you mine
If you show me yours
Let it go, let it go, loose up, yeah, let it go
Let it go, let it go, it's all right
Let it go, let it go, shake it up now, let it go
You just tell me when you think you're ready
Let it go -
Gentlemen - we only live once
Let it go, let it go
Loosen up, yeah, let it go
Let it go, let it go
It's all right
Let it go, let it go
Shake it up now, let it go
Let it go!
Let it go, let it go
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go, go