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sixty9lives Lyrics

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All Songs 101 Freeway LA CiTY TRAFFiC (1) [ijustcreatechaostomatchthechaoswithin] 2020 remember me?(allididwaswaitforyoutowake) [KLLSH0T,H3ADSH0T,U,MISSED,BOOHoososadfL!zaardz] 28 hours(ripped superhero cape) 3:33 3:39 MESSAGE iN A BOTTLE 5D to 3D (a) [heavens.e] [S] [itslike[Y] [L] [i] ALCHEMIZE all my friends are spies angels time, yours, mine ashes(HEY CLASS TO THIS YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION!) atomic number 79 AVANT-GARDE: ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ANTARTICA, GHOSTOASTROAST b-level manifestation (1257) bloody hands, DOOR SLAMMED brand new! just for you! call me baby car in drive goin' 99 on the 5 see ya in the next life COLD LUKEWARM SHOWERS (P ART3) cosmically blindsided, blackside DELTA(iwrotethis3yearsnowitsallTRUEandYOUdonothing,WAKEUP) DELUSIONAL REALITIES, what a tragedy(sievielleichtnächsteWochekommt..) [ALL] delusional thomas and delusional me kickin' it on hollywood blvd DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE OR DESTINY FxG?(metomecensorshippsuedofactcheckers) DUALITY Egy angel jött, te azt mondtad: „Just knew. EMF UCK YOU(WHYTHEFCKWOULDILIE?) [SILENTHITS, GANGSTALKING, TARGET INDIVIDUALS] [ILOVEMYLIFETHISMYINSURANCE] eternity, for you misses. (haunted by you, forever) EYEPODNANO Feldner Street Los Angeles(i spill my heart into my art) FLORIDA (your lips on mine) sad. ghostfaces GODDESS I HONOR YOU GUILT FUELED RAGE GUILT FUELED RAGE MAKES YOU hairgodzitorickeyandbrizabotaudio2thankyouily HAVE NO FEAR SiXTY9LiVES is HERE!!!!!!!! HEART'S LEVER, SENSATIONS, MIRACLES HOLDING A SIGN ON HOLLYWOOD BLVD i found my princess IM GAY OKAY, BREAKING NEWS INFERNOCEAN KiiSFMOONCOMPANYLULLABIESPIES LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, LIFE IS ART(SHE SAID) listentothisandthencreateyourownfatebetterthanthisyourwordshavepoweryoucandoanything Lost in the darkness mirrors MiSS FUSS KARMA DOVE(NO its YOU, u r rxC!ST FREAK BACK OFFDONTRUINMYSONG) MK ULTRA IS THE RAPTURE. (Hi GERMANY,ilovemylifedonteventhinkaboutcomingformehilaryidkuguysrfreakingweirdbackoff) [OPERATIONPAPERCLIP] [MINDKONTROLLEULTRA] MOCKERY AT MY IDIOCRACY(ilostit) 'mymind MOUSETRAPS (PART1) my girl so obsessed with me neptune Neptune's Monday Blues Clues nineteen daggers (you got a master degree in FAKE, PUNK) OK, i'll put Tustin on the map OM!CR0N V1RU$ = MORONiC(ForHungary) [Isten segítsen minket] P ART 2 PERMAFRIED photongrave pokerface(night&day) PURGATORY (rising pisces shift:aquarius clear view) Royalty Loyalty Best Day is Today s0b3r SAFE PLACE FOR SNAKES PART 2: DEAR AMERICA I NEED YOU, CAN YOU HEAR ME? SAFE PLACE FOR SNAKES. (wink) [3+5is8,heh] SAY Hi TO MY SiXTY9PASTLiVES, WiTCH seasvclyz!! (forever) [youandme] SELLOUTS. (WELLFCKYALLILLNEVERGIVEUPIWASBUILTFORTHIS) [CONTROLLEDOPPSONCALL] [MINDCONTROLISREALFCKURSCRIPTEDPODCAST!!!!!!!!!] [FAKEtriots, aw boohoo] [doyouremember2022?BECAUSEIDOFCKULA!] [BUNCHAFRAUDS] SHUT UP SNITCH (PART2) Soy más dispuesto en este momento, ANGEL ILY STALKED BY THE GRIM REAPER(LIFE PATH 7) sunday brunch talk about TIME TRAVEL (yourbiggestfan) [wishingalways] [iforcemyselftoignoremyinstinctseveryday] [canweskipthischapter] :'(thepaininmyheartifeelnowtypingthistitleisunreal) tooty fruity bubblegum WAKE UP ALEENA WASH THIS HUMAN OFF ME(THE REASONS FOR LIFE AND DEATH) you think this all cutesy like i can drop a pin for you all? YOUmakeMEsofterthancottonCandywah'te'ch.nicol'ordus(your) ['t] Your eyes are the color of seaglass your eyes on me, my heart skips a beat 'You're so creative' YUGOSLAVIA
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