The Narrator:
Night fell on the city
Everybody went home
And the little match girl was left all alone
She knew she couldn't return empty handed
She knew her dad wouldn't understand it
So she went between houses
And found a small corner
She huddled together
And hoped it would warm her
Match Girl:
'Scuse me miss, nice day today
Extremely cold though, wouldn't you say?
You want to warm up, I've got a way
Just light a match
Grandma said a match is like a magic stick
And every time you light one, it's a magic trick
Just ignite the spark
Bring light to the dark
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Out of the darkness, that tiny flame
Changed before her eyes, transformed and became
A stove
Warming her fingers and her toes
A stove
Warming her tiny little nose
Match Girl:
What a wonderful sight
So warm and so bright
I guess grandma was right
A matchstick is just like
Matchstick magic
The Narrator:
But the flame went out
And with it the stove
And the little match girl again was alone
In a world of snow and ice
Match Girl:
It worked once, why not twice
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Out the darkness, that tiny flame
Changed before her eyes, transformed and became
A feast
The most delicious Christmas feast
A feast
Enough for ten of her at least
Match Girl:
Mashed potatoes and chicken
Oh how I want to dig in
Plums and pudding and pies
All right in front of my eyes like
Matchstick magic
The Narrator:
But the flame went out
And with it the feast
And surrounding temperatures quickly decreased
Match Girl:
That food looked so tasty, so hot
Do I dare use another?
Why not
Out of the darkness, that tiny flame
Changed before her eyes, transformed and became
A tree
A Christmas tree so big and green
A tree
The prettiest she'd ever seen
Match Girl:
Maybe I'm going crazy
But this is amazing
All covered in lights
It all makes tonight feel like
Matchstick magic
The Narrator:
And then an old lady appeared beside the tree
Match Girl:
How can it be
Is it really you
Is this really true
I can't believe you're here
The Narrator:
But the flame went out
And grandma disappeared